Chiropractic is...


Chiropractic begins with a basic understanding of the world we live in and the bodies we inhabit. That premise is that we live in a universe that is ordered and follows the natural laws that govern its properties and actions.

Put another way, we live in an intelligent universe. The universe is not based upon random chaos and neither is your body. Every action, every function has a purpose and is striving towards not only survival but optimal health and well-being as well, in chiropractic we call that "Innate Intelligence."

What You Need to Know...

The word innate means inborn. What do we mean by innate intelligence? We start by recognizing and appreciating the inborn wisdom within your body that operates and orchestrates all the activities and functions of your body and allows you to adapt to your environment. Cold outside? Your inborn intelligence knows how to direct the millions of individual actions needed to protect your vital organs.

By starting here, chiropractors will not only never do anything to you that would interfere with that intelligence, but more importantly, our sole objective is to ensure that intelligence is expressed as fully as possible through the nervous system.