Chiropractic is...
Vitalism is a big word for the understanding that there is more to our body and life than just the parts that make us up. You, your parents, your children are not merely random collections of molecules.
There is much more to us. The majority of the world recognizes this self-evident truth, but few ever give it much thought or evaluate whether their choices are in alignment with that belief.
Chiropractors do. We believe it is critical for you to understand and recognize that your body has an amazing inborn wisdom that runs and operates every single function of your body in both health and sickness.
What You Need to Know...
Chiropractors recognize and respect the inborn wisdom within you that controls and orchestrates every aspect of your health and life. We work exclusively to remove interference to the expression of that intelligence over and through your nervous system.
No one else can do that for you. No one else even thinks to look.
Nature sings, children play, families and communities thrive.
Chiropractic is vitalistic.
We all are.