Additional Research Articles
Issa OM, Roberts R, Marks DB, Boineau R, Goertz C, Rosenberg Y, Lewis EF, Guarneri E, Drisko J, Magaziner A, Lee KL, Lamas GA. Effect of high-dose oral multivitamins and minerals in participants not treated with statins in the randomized trial to assess chelation therapy (TACT). Am Heart J 2018;195:70-77.
Onifer SM, Sozio RS, DiCarlo DM, Li Q, Donahue RR, Taylor BK, Long CR. Spinal manipulative therapy reduces peripheral neuropathic pain in the rat. NeuroReport 2018;29(3):191-196.
Reed WR, Long CR, Kawchuk GN, Sozio RS, Pickar JG. Neural responses to physical characteristics of a high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulation: effect of thrust direction. Spine 2018;43(1):1-9.
Bazgari B, Xia T. Application of advanced biomechanical methods in studying low back pain - recent development in estimation of lower back loads and large-array surface electromyography and findings. J Pain Res 2017;10:1677-1685.
Cooperstein R, Holzworth M, O'Brien A. Intra- and interexaminer reliability of compressive leg checking and correlation with the sit-stand test for anatomic leg length inequality. Chiropr J Australia 2017;45(2):184.195.
Cooperstein R, Lucente M. Comparison of supine and prone methods of leg length inequality assessment. J Chiropr Med 2017;16(2):103-110.
Cooperstein R, Truong F. Systematic review and meta-analyses of the difference between the spinal level of the palpated and imaged iliac crest. J Can Chiropr Assoc 2017;61(2):106-120.
Feng SD, Yang JH, Yao CH, Yang SS, Zhu AM, Wu D, Ling HY, Zhang L. Potential regulatory mechanisms of incRNA in diabetes and its complications. Biochem Cell Biol 2017;95(3):361-367.
Goertz CM, Salsbury SA, Long CR, Vining RD, Andresen AA, Hondras MA, Lyons KJ, Killinger LZ, Wolinsky FD, Wallace RB. Patient-centered professional practice models for managing low back pain in older adults: a pilot randomized controlled trial. BMC Geriatr 2017;235.
Goertz CM, Weeks WB, Justice B, Haldeman S. A proposal to improve health-care value in spine care delivery: the primary spine practitioner. Spine J 2017;17(10):1570-1574.
Hawk C, Minkalis AL, Khorsan R, Daniels C, Homack D, Gliedt JA, Hartman J, Bhalerao S. Systematic review of non-drug, non-surgical treatment of shoulder conditions. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2017;40(5):293-319.
Khan Y. The STarT back tool in chiropractic practice: a narrative review. Chiropr Man Therap 2017;25:11.
Mansholt BA, Salsbury SA, Corber LG, Stites JS. Essential literature for the chiropractic profession: results and implementation challenges from a survey of international chiropractic faculty. J Chiropr Edu 2017;31(2):140-163.
Minkalis AL, Vining RD, Long CR, Hawk C, de Luca K. A systematic review of thrust manipulation for non-surgical shoulder conditions. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2017;25:1.
Reed WR, Cranston JT, Onifer SM, Little JW, Sozio RS. Decreased spontaneous activity and altered evoked nociceptive response of rat thalamic submedius neurons to lumbar vertebra thrust. Exp Brain Res 2017;235(9):2883-2892.
Reed WR, Pickar JG, Sozio RS, Liebschner MAK, Little JW, Gudavalli MR. Characteristics of paraspinal muscle spindle response to mechanically assisted spinal manipulation: a preliminary report. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2017;40(6):371-380.
Salsbury SA, Goertz CM, Vining RD, Hondras MA, Andresen AA, Long CR, Lyons KJ, Killinger LZ, Wallace RB. Interdisciplinary Practice Models for Older Adults With Back Pain: A Qualitative Evaluation. Gerontologist 2017 Jan 11. [Epub ahead of print]
Vining RD, Gosselin DM, Thurmond J, Bruch FR. Interdisciplinary rehabilitation for a patient with incomplete cervical spinal cord injury and multimorbidity: a case report. Medicine 2017;96(34):e7837.
Weeks WB, Goertz CM. Letter to the editor on "ineffective policies to address the opioid epidemic". JAMA Psychiat 2017;74(9):974.
Xia T, Long CR, Vining RD, Gudavalli MR, DeVocht JW, Kawchuck GN, Wilder DG, Goertz CM. Association of lumbar spine stiffness and flexion-relaxation phenomenon with patient-reported outcomes in adults with chronic low back pain - a single-arm clinical trial investigating the effects of thrust spinal manipulation. BMC Complement Altern Med 2017;17(1):303.
Allen T, Rieck T, Salsbury SA. Patient perceptions of an AIDET and hourly rounding program in a community hospital: results of a qualitative study. Patient Experience Journal 2016;3(1):42-49.
Berceanu C, Marghitu D, Gudavalli MR, Raju PK, Yadav V. Gait analysis parameters of healthy human subjects with asymmetric loads. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin 2016;19(8):855-863.
Bovee B. The impact of collaborative testing on test anxiety. Chiropr J Australia 2016;44(3):215-221.
Boysen JC, Salsbury SA, Derby D, Lawrence DJ. A focus group study of chiropractic students following international service learning experiences. J Chiropr Educ 2016;30(2):124-130.
Cooperstein R, Young M. The reliability of lumbar motion palpation using continuous analysis and confidence ratings: choosing a relevant index agreement. J Can Chiropr Assoc 2016;60(2):146-157.
Cooperstein R, Hickey M. The reliability of palpating the posterior superior iliac spine: A systematic review. J Can Chiropr Assoc 2016;60(1):36-46.
Cooperstein R. The History of the Friction-Reduced Table. Chiropr Hist 2016;36(1):17-36.
DeVocht JW, Smith DL, Long CR, Corber L, Kane B, Jones TM, Goertz CM. The effect of chiropractic treatment on the reaction and response times of special operation forces military personnel: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2016;17(457).
DeVocht JW, Gudavalli K, Gudavalli MR, Xia T. Novel electromyographic protocols using axial rotation and cervical flexion-relaxation for the assessment of subjects with neck pain: a feasibility study. J Chiropr Med 2016;15(2):102-111.
Goertz CM, Salsbury SA, Vining RD, Long CR, Pohlman KA, Weeks WB, Lamas GA. Effect of spinal manipulation of upper cervical vertebrae on blood pressure: results of a pilot sham-controlled trial. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2016;39(5):369-380.
Goertz CM, Long CR, Vining R, Pohlman KA, Kane B, Corber L, Walter J, Coulter I. Assessment of Chiropractic Treatment for Active Duty, U.S. Military Personnel with Low Back Pain: a study protocol for a comparative effectiveness clinical trial with adaptive allocation (ACT 1). Trials 2016;17:70.
Goertz CM, Xia T, Long CR, Vining RD, Pohlman KA, DeVocht JW, Gudavalli MR, Owens EF, Meeker WC, Wilder DG. Effects of spinal manipulation on sensorimotor function in low back pain patients - a randomized controlled trial. Man Ther 2016;21:183-190.
Gudavalli MR, Olding K, Joachim G, Cox JM. Chiropractic distraction spinal manipulation on postsurgical continued low back and radicular pain patients: a retrospective case series. J Chiropr Med 2016;15(2):121-128.
Maiers M, Hondras MA, Salsbury SA, Bronfort G, Evans R. What do patients value about spinal manipulation and home exercise for back-related leg pain? A qualitative study within a controlled clinical trial. Man Ther 2016;26:183-191.
Mansholt B, Vining R. Clinical evaluation tools: a survey of doctors of chiropractic and students at one chiropractic college. J Can Chiropr Assoc 2016;60(1):26-35.
Schneider M, Evans R, Haas M, Leach M, Delagran L, Hawk C, Long C, Cramer GD, Walters O, Vihstadt C, Terhorst L. The effectiveness and feasibility of an online educational program for improving evidence-based practice literacy: an exploratory randomized study of US chiropractors. Chiropr Man Therap 2016;24(27).
Weeks WB. Hailey. JAMA 2016;316(19):1975-1976.
Weeks WB, Leininger B, Whedon JM, Lurie JD, Tosteson TD, Swenson R, O'Malley AJ, Goertz CM. The association between use of chiropractic care and costs of care among older Medicare patients with chronic low back pain and multiple comorbidities. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2016;39(2):63-75.
Weeks WB, Goertz CM. Cross-sectional analysis of per capita supply of doctors of chiropractic and opioid use in younger medicare beneficiaries. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2016;39(4):263-266.
Weeks WB, Goertz CM, Meeker WC, Marchiori DM. Characteristics of US adults who have positive and negative perceptions of doctors of chiropractic and chiropractic care. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2016;39(3):150-157.
Xia T, Long CR, Gudavalli MR, Wilder DG, Vining RD, Rowell RM, Reed WR, DeVocht JW, Goertz CM, Owens EF, Meeker WC. Similar effects of thrust and non-thrust spinal manipulation found in adults with subacute and chronic low back pain - a controlled trial with adaptive allocation. Spine 2016;41(12):E702-709.
Zhang L, Yao CH. The physiological role of tumor necrosis factor in human immunity and its potential implications in spinal manipulative therapy: a narrative literature review. J Chiropr Med 2016;15(3):190-196.
Basch E, Spertus J, Dudley RA, Wu A, Chuahan C, Cohen P, Smith ML, Black N, Crawford A, Christensen K, Blake K, Goertz C. Methods for Developing Patient-Reported Outcome-Based Performance Measures (PRO-PMs). Value Health 2015;18(4):493-504.
Cramer GD, Guiltinan J, Maiers M, Laird S, Goertz C, Runer SE, Kreitzer MJ, Dexheimer JM, Coon S. Benefits, Challenges, and Culture Change Related to Collaborations Between Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Traditional Research-Intensive Institutions. Med Sci Educ 2015;25:27-34.
Cooperstein R, Young M, Lew M. Validity of palpation of the C1 transverse process: comparison with a radiographic reference standard. J Can Chiropr Assoc 2015;59(2):91-100.
Cooperstein R, Blum C, Cooperstein EC. Assessment of Consistency Between the Arm-Fossa Test and Gillet Test: A Pilot Study. J Chiro Med 2015;14(1):24-31.
Cooperstein R, Haneline M, Young M. The location of the inferior angle of the scapula in relation to the spine in the upright position: a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis. Chiropr Man Therap 2015;23:7.
Deyo RA, Dworkin SF, Amtmann D, Andersson G, Borenstein D, Carragee E, Carrino J, Chou R, Cook K, DeLitto A, Goertz C, Khalsa P, Loeser J, Mackey S, Panagis J, Rainville J, Tosteson T, Turk D, Von Korff M, Weiner DK. Report of the NIH Task Force on Research Standards for Chronic Low Back Pain. Phys Ther 2015;95(2):e1-e18.
Edgecombe TL, Kawchuk GN, Long CR, Pickar JG. The Effect of Application Site of Spinal Manipulative Therapy (SMT) on Spinal Stiffness. Spine J 2015;15(6):1332-1338.
Gliedt JA, Hawk C, Anderson M, Ahmad K, Bunn D, Cambron J, Gleberzon B, Hart J, Kizhakkeveettil A, Perle SM, Ramcharan M, Sullivan S, Zhang L. Chiropractic Identity, Role and Future: A Survey of North American Chiropractic Students. Chiropr Man Therap 2015;23(1):4.
Gudavalli MR, Salsbury SA, Vining RD, Long CR, Corber L, Patwardhan AG, Goertz CM. Development of an attention-touch control for manual cervical distraction: a pilot randomized clinical trial for patients with neck pain. Trials 2015;16:259.
Gudavalli MR, Vining RD, Salsbury SA, Corber L, Long CR, Patwardhan AG, Goertz CM. Clinician proficiency in delivering manual treatment for neck pain within specified force ranges. Spine J 2015:15:570-6.
Mansholt BA, Vining RD, Long CR, Goertz CM. Inter-examiner reliability of the interpretation of paraspinal thermographic pattern analysis. J Can Chiropr Assoc 2015;59(2):157-164.
Minkalis AL, Vining RD. What is the Pain Source? A Case Report of a Patient with Low Back Pain and Bilateral Hip Osteonecrosis. J Can Chiropr Assoc 2015;59(3):300-310.
Onifer SM, Reed WR, Sozio RS, Long CR. Anti-Nociceptive Effects of Spinal Manipulative Therapy on Nociceptive Behavior of Adult Rats during the Formalin Test. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2015:520454.
Reed WR, Liebschner MA, Sozio RS, Pickar JG, Gudavalli MR. Neural Response During a Mechanically Assisted Spinal Manipulation in an Animal Model: A Pilot Study. J Nov Physiother Phys Rehabil 2015;2(3):121.
Reed WR, Pickar JG. Paraspinal muscle spindle response to intervertebral fixation and segmental thrust level during spinal manipulation in an animal model. Spine 2015;40(13):E752-E759.
Reed WR, Long CR, Kawchuk GN, Pickar JG. Neural Responses to the mechanical parameters of a high velocity, low amplitude spinal manipulation: Effect of specific contact site. Man Ther. 2015/20(6):797-804.
Salsbury SA. Fast Facts. Topics in Integrative Health Care: An International Journal. 2015;6(3):ID:6.3004.
Schneider MJ, Evans R, Haas M, Leach M, Hawk C, Long C, Cramer GD, Walters O, Vihstadt C, Terhorst L. US Chiropractors' Attitudes, Skills and Use of Evidence-based Practice: A Cross-sectional National Survey. Chiropr Man Therap 2015;23:16.
Seidman M, Vining RD, Salsbury SS. Collaborative care for a patient with complex low back pain and long-term tobacco use: a case report. J Canadian Chiro Assoc 2015;59(3):216-225.
Weeks WB, Tosteson TD, Whedon JM, Leininger B, Lurie JD, Swenson R, Goertz CM, O'Malley AJ. Comparing Propensity Score Methods for Creating Comparable Cohorts of Chiropractic Users and Nonusers in Older, Multiply Comorbid Medicare Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2015;38(9):620-628.
Weeks WB, Goertz CM, Meeker WC, Marhiori DM. Public perceptions of doctors of chiropractic: results of a national survey and examination of variation according to respondents' likelihood to use chiropractic, experience with chiropractic, and chiropractic supply in local health care markets. 2015;38(8):533-544.
Xia T, Frey Law L. Wrist joint torque-angle-velocity envelope evaluation and modeling. Int J of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation 2015;5(1):33-52.
Bronfort G, Hondras MA, Schulz CA, Evans RL, Long CR, Grimm R. Spinal manipulation and home exercise with advice for subacute and chronic back-related leg pain: A trial with adaptive allocation. Ann Intern Med 2014;161(6):381-391.
Cao DY, Pickar JG. Effect of spinal manipulation on the development of history-dependent responsiveness of lumbar paraspinal muscle spindles in the cat. J Can Chiropr Assoc 2014;58(2):149-159.
Cooperstein R. The leading edge research symposium: early attempt to achieve consensus on subluxation. Chiropr Hist 2014;34(1):32-54.
Cooperstein R, Lisi A, Burd A. Chiropractic management of pubic symphysis shear dysfunction in a patient with overactive bladder: Case report. J Chiro Med 2014;13(2):81-89.
Cooperstein R, Young M. Mapping intended spinal site of care from the upright to prone position: An interexaminer reliability study. Chiropr Man Therap 2014;22:20.
Cooperstein R, Lisi A, Burd A. Chiropractic management of public symphysis shear dysfunction in a patient with overactive bladder. J Chiropr Med 2014;13(2):81-89.
Deyo RA, Dworkin SF, Amtmann D, Andersson G, Borenstein D, Carragee E, Carrino J, Chou R, Cook K, DeLitto A, Goertz C, Khalsa P, Loeser J, Mackey S, Panagis J, Rainville J, Tosteson T, Turk D, Von Korff M, Weiner DK. Report of the national institutes of health task force on research standards for chronic low back pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2014;37(7):449-467.
Deyo RA, Dworkin SF, Amtmann D, Andersson G, Borenstein D, Carragee E, Carrino J, Chou R, Cook K, DeLitto A, Goertz C, Khalsa P, Loeser J, Mackey S, Panagis J, Rainville J, Tosteson T, Turk D, Von Korff M, Weiner DK. Report of the NIH taskforce on research standards for chronic low back pain. Spine J 2014;14(8):1375-1391.
Deyo RA, Dworkin SF, Amtmann D, Andersson G, Borenstein D, Carragee E, Carrino J, Chou R, Cook K, DeLitto A, Goertz C, Khalsa P, Loeser J, Mackey S, Panagis J, Rainville J, Tosteson T, Turk D, Von Korff M, Weiner DK. Report of the NIH task force on research standards for chronic low back pain. Clin J Pain 2014;30(8):701-712.
Deyo RA, Dworkin SF, Amtmann D, Andersson G, Borenstein D, Carragee E, Carrino J, Chou R, Cook K, DeLitto A, Goertz C, Khalsa P, Loeser J, Mackey S, Panagis J, Rainville J, Tosteson T, Turk D, Von Korff M, Weiner DK. Report of the NIH taskforce on research standards for chronic low back pain. Spine 2014;39(14):1128-1143.
Deyo RA, Dworkin SF, Amtmann D, Andersson G, Borenstein D, Carragee E, Carrino J, Chou R, Cook K, DeLitto A, Goertz C, Khalsa P, Loeser J, Mackey S, Panagis J, Rainville J, Tosteson T, Turk D, Von Korff M, Weiner DK. Report of the NIH task force on research standards for chronic low back pain. J Pain 2014;15(6):569-585.
Engel CC, Cordova EH, Benedek DM, Liu X, Gore KL, Goertz C, Freed MC, Crawford C, Jonas WB, Ursano RJ. Randomized effectiveness trial of a brief course of acupuncture for posttraumatic stress disorder. Med Care 2014;52:S57-S64.
Escolar E, Lamas GA, Mark DB, Boineau R, Goertz C, Rosenberg Y, Nahin RL, Ouyang P, Rozema T, Magaziner A, Nahas R, Lewis EF, Lindblad L, Lee KL. The effect of an EDTA-based chelation regimen on patients with diabetes mellitus and prior myocardial infarction in the trial to assess chelation therapy (TACT). Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes 2014;7:15-24.
Gudavalli MR, Vining RD, Salsbury S, Goertz C. Training and certification of doctors of chiropractic in delivering manual cervical traction forces: Results of a longitudinal observational study. J Chiropr Ed 2014 2014 Oct;28(2):130-8.
Gudavalli MR, Rowell RM. Three-dimensional chiropractor-patient contact loads during side posture lumbar spinal manipulation: A pilot study. Chiropr Man Ther 2014;22:29.
Gudavalli MR. Instantaneous rate of loading during manual high-velocity, low amplitude spinal manipulation. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2014;37(5):294-299.
Gudavalli MR, Cox JM. Real-time force feedback during flexion-distraction procedure for low back pain: A pilot study. J Can Chiropr Assoc 2014;58(2):193-200.
Lamas GA, Boineau R, Goertz C, Mark DB, Rosenberg Y, Stylianou M, Rozema T, Nahin RL, Chappell LT, Lindblad L, Lewis EF, Drisko J, Lee KL. EDTA chelation therapy alone and in combination with oral high-dose multivitamins and minerals for coronary disease: The factorial group results of the trial to assess chelation therapy. Am Heart J 2014;168(1):37-44.
Long CR, Ackerman DL, Hammerschlag R, Delagran L, Peterson DH, Berlin M, Evans RL. Faculty development initiatives to advance research literacy and evidence-based practice at cam academic institutions. J Altern Complement Med 2014;20(7):563-570.
Lorence J, Lawrence DJ, Salsbury SA, Goertz CM. Financial attitudes, knowledge, and habits of chiropractic students: A descriptive survey. J Can Chiropr Assoc 2014;58(1):58-65.
Mark DB, Anstrom KJ, Clapp-Channing NE, Knight JD, Boineau R, Goertz C, Rozema TC, Liu DM, Nahin RL, Rosenberg Y, Drisko J, Lee KL, Lamas GA: TACT Investigators. Quality-of-life outcomes with a disodium edta chelation regimen for coronary disease: Results from the trial to assess chelation therapy randomized trial. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes 2014;7(4):508-516.
Reed WR, Sozio R, Pickar JG, Onifer SM. Effect of spinal manipulation thrust duration on trunk mechanical activation thresholds of nociceptive-specific lateral thalamic neurons.J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2014;37(8):552-560.
Reed WR, Pickar JG, Sozio RS, Long CR. Effect of spinal manipulation thrust magnitude on trunk mechanical activation thresholds of lateral thalamic neurons. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2014;37(5):277-286.
Reed WR, Pickar JG, Long CR. Effect of changing lumbar stiffness by single facet joint dysfunction on the responsiveness of lumbar muscle spindles to vertebral movement. J Can Chiropr Assoc 2014;58(2):160-169.
Reed WR, Long CR, Kawchuk GN, Pickar JG. Neural responses to the mechanical parameters of a high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulation: Effect of preload parameters. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2014;37(2):68-78.
Salsbury SA, DeVocht JW, Hondras MA, Seidman MB, Stanford CM, Goertz CM. Chiropractor interaction and treatment equivalence in a pilot randomized controlled trial: An observational analysis of clinical encounter video-recordings. Chiropr Man Ther 2014;22:42.
Twist EJ, Lawrence DJ, Salsbury SA, Hawk C. Do informed consent documents for chiropractic clinical research studies meet readability level recommendations and contain required elements: a descriptive study. Chiropr Man Ther 2014;22:40.
Vining R, Potocki E, McLean I, Seidman M, Morgenthal AP, Goertz C. Prevalence of radiographic findings in individuals with chronic low back pain screened for a randomized controlled trial: Secondary analysis. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2014;37(9):678-687.
Vining RD, Salsbury SA, Pohlman KA. Eligibility determination for clinical trials: Development of a case review process at a chiropractic research center. Trials 2014 Oct 24;15(1):406
Walden AL, Salsbury SA, Lawrence DJ. Chiropractic approaches to discussing weight management with overweight and obese patients: A focus group study. Topics in Integrative Health Care: An International Journal 2014;5(3).
Walden AL, Salsbury SA, Reed WR, Lawrence DJ. Bladder and bowel symptoms among adults presenting with low back pain to an academic chiropractic clinic: Results of a preliminary study. J Chiro Med 2014;13(3):178-187.
Wang XY, Zhang XH, Yao CH, Zhu HH, Zhang L. The impacts of obesity and metabolic abnormality on carotid intima-media thickness and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in children from an inland Chinese city. J Clin Med 2014;3:323-333.
Xia T, Wilder DG, Gudavalli MR, DeVocht JW, Vining RD, Pohlman KA, Kawchuk GN, Long CR, Goertz CM. Study protocol for patient response to spinal manipulation - a prospective observational clinical trial on physiological and patient-centered outcomes in patients with chronic low back pain. BMC Complement Alternat Med 2014;14:292.
Yang F, Guo GZ, Chen JQ, Ma HW, Liu T, Huang DN, Yao CH, Zhang RL, Xue CF, Zhang L. Molecular identification of the first local dengue fever outbreak in Shenzhen City, China: A potential imported vertical transmission from southeast Asia? Epidemiol Infect 2014;142(2):225-233.
Cao D-Y, Reed WR, Long CR, Kawchuk GN, Pickar JG. Effects of thrust amplitude and duration of high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulation on lumbar muscle spindle responses to vertebral position and movement . J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2013;36(2):68-77.
Cooperstein R, Young M, Haneline M. Interexaminer reliability of cervical motion palpation using continuous measures and rater confidence levels. J Can Chiropr Assoc 2013;57(2):156-164.
Cooperstein R. Actual and projected innominate height changes as a function of posterior innominate rotation . J Am Chiropr Assoc 2013;50(5):33-36.
Cooperstein R. Motion palpators, please lighten up . J Am Chiropr Assoc 2013;50(4):24-27.
DeVocht JW, Goertz CM, Hondras MA, Long CR, Schaeffer W, Thomann L, Spector M, Stanford CM. A pilot study of a chiropractic intervention for management of chronic myofascial temporomandibular disorders. JADA 2013;144(10):1154-1163.
DeVocht JW, Owens EF, Gudavalli MR, Strazewski J, Bhogal R, Xia T. Force-time profile differences in the delivery of simulated Toggle-Recoil spinal manipulation by students, instructors, and field doctors of chiropractic . J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2013;36(6):342-348.
Goertz CM, Marriott BP, Finch MD, Bray RM, Williams TV, Hourani LL, Hadden LS, Colleran HL, Jonas WB. Military report more complementary and alternative medicine use than civilians. J Alt Comp Med 2013;19(6):509-517.
Goertz CM, Salsbury SA, Vining RD, Long CR, Andresen AA, Jones ME, Lyons KJ, Hondras MA, Killinger LZ, Wolinsky FD, Wallace RB. Collaborative care for older adults with low back pain by family medicine physicians and doctors of chiropractic (COCOA): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2013:14:18.
Goertz CM, Long CR, Hondras MA, Petri R, Delgado R, Lawrence DJ, Owens EF, Meeker WC. Adding chiropractic manipulative therapy to standard medical care for patients with acute low back pain. Spine 2013;38(8):627-634.
Gudavalli MR, Potluri T, Carandang G, Havey RM, Voronov LI, Cox JM, Rowel RM, Kruse RA, Joachim GC, Patwardhan AG, Henderson CNR, Goertz C. Intradiscal pressure changes during manual cervical distraction: a cadaveric study. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2013, Article ID 954134.
Gudavalli MR, DeVocht J, Tayh A, Xia T. Effect of sampling rates on the quantification of forces, durations, and rates of loading of simulated side posture high-velocity, low-amplitude lumbar spine manipulation. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2013;36(5):261-266.
Lamas, GA, Goertz CM, Boineau R, Mark DB, Rozema T, Nahin RL, Lindblad L, Lewis EF, Drisko J, Lee KL. Effect of disodium EDTA chelation regimen on cardiovascular events in patients with previous myocardial infarction. The TACT randomized trial. JAMA 2013;309(12):1241-1250.
Ling HY, Li X, Yao CH, Hu B, Liao DF, Feng SD, Wen GB, Zhang L. The physiological and pathophysiological roles of adipocyte miRNAs. Biochem Cell Biol 2013;91(4):195-202.
Lyons KJ, Salsbury SA, Hondras MA, Jones ME, Andresen AA, Goertz CM. Perspectives of older adults on co-management of low back pain by doctors of chiropractic and family medicine physicians: a focus group study. BMC Complement Altern Med 2013;13:225.
Mansholt BA, Stites JS, Derby DC, Boesch RJ, Salsbury SA. Essential literature for the chiropractic profession: a survey of chiropractic research leaders. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2013;21:33.
Pohlman KA, Vallone S, Nightingale L. Outcomes of a mentored research competition for authoring pediatric case reports in chiropractic. J Chiropr Educ 2013;27(1):33-39.
Reed WR, Long CR, Pickar JG. Effects of unilateral facet fixation and facetectomy on muscle spindle responsiveness during simulated spinal manipulation in an animal model. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2013;36(9):585-594.
Reed WR, Magnuson DSK. Cervical response among ascending ventrolateral funiculus pathways of the neonatal rat. Brain Res 2013;1491:136-146.
Reed WR, Cao D-Y, Long CR, Kawchuk GN, Pickar JG. Relationship between biomechanical characteristics of spinal manipulation and neural responses in an animal model: effect of linear control of thrust displacement versus force, thrust amplitude, thrust duration, and thrust rate. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2013;Article ID 492039.
Reed WR, Cao D-Y, Ge W, Pickar JG. Using vertebral movement and intact paraspinal muscles to determine the distribution of intrafusal fiber innervation of muscle spindle afferents in the anesthetized cat. Exp Brain Res 2013;225:205-215.
Roecker CB, Long CR, Vining RD, Lawrence DJ. Attitudes toward evidence-based clinical practice among doctors of chiropractic with diplomate-level training in orthopedics. Chiropr Man Therap 2013;21:43.
Tang JQ, Sun F, Wang YH, Chen LX, Yao CH, Fu XQ, Zhang L. The role of caveolae in regulating calcitonin receptor-like receptor subcellular distribution in vascular smooth muscle cells. Biochem Cell Biol 2013;91(5):357-360.
Triano JJ, Budgell B, Bagnulo A, Roffey B, Bergmann T, Cooperstein R, Gleberzon B, Good C, Perron J, Tepe R. Review of methods used by chiropractors to determine the site for applying manipulation . Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2013;21:36.
Vining R, Potocki E, Seidman M, Morgenthal AP. An evidence-based diagnostic classification system for low back pain. J Can Chiropr Assoc 2013;57(3):189-204.
Weeks WB, Whedon JM, Toler A, Goertz CM. Medicare's demonstration of expanded coverage for chiropractic services: limitations of the demonstration and an alternate direct cost estimate. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2013;36(8):468-481.
Whedon JM, Goertz CM, Lurie JD, Stason WB. Beyond spinal manipulation: should Medicare expand coverage for chiropractic services? A review and commentary on the challenges for policy makers. Journal of Chiropractic Humanities 2013;20(1):9-18.
Boysen JC, Silverman SL. Chiropractic management of a patient with Scheuermann's Kyphosis. Clinical Chiropractic 2012;15:5-9.
Clark T, Vining R. Evidence in action, my patient has facial pain - what can I do to help? J Amer Chiropr Assoc 2012 May-June;49:20-22.
Colloca CJ, Pickar JG, SlosbergM. Editorial: special focus on spinal manipulation. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2012;22(5):629-631.
Cooperstein R. What is wrong with "Happily Ever After" chiropractic? J Am Chiropr Assoc 2012;49(5):10-12.
Cooperstein R. Easy and hard technique systems. J Am Chiropr Assoc 2012;49(4):11-15.
Cooperstein R. The case of the primary PI ilium complex. J Am Chiropr Assoc 2012;49(3):23-26.
Cooperstein R. How chiropractic research emerged from neotraditional Techniques. J Am Chiropr Assoc 2012;49(1):18-20.
Cooperstein R. Leg checking: why and why not? DC Tracts 2012;24(2):4-11.
Cooperstein R. Interexaminer reliability of the Johnston and Friedman Percussion Scan of the thoracic spine: secondary data analysis using modified methods. J Chiropr Med 2012;11(3):154-159.
Ge W, Pickar JG. The decreased responsiveness of lumbar muscle spindles to a prior history of spinal muscle lengthening is graded with the magnitude of change in vertebral position. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2012;22(6):814-820.
Goertz CM, Pohlman KA, Vining RD, Brantingham JW, Long CR. Patient-centered outcomes of high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulation for low back pain: a systematic review. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2012;22(5):670-691.
Hawk C, Pohlman KA. ICON-PedCaReNet: a new pediatric practice-based research network with a focus on wellness: guest editorial. J Clin Chiropr Pediatr 2012;13(2):1010-1012.
Henderson CNR. The basis for spinal manipulation: chiropractic perspective of indications and theory. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2012;22(5):632-642.
Homb NM, Henderson CNR. Spinous process hypertrophy associated with implanted devices in the external link model. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2012;35(9):367-371.
Hubbard T, Pickar JG, Lawrence DJ. Radiographic analysis of the Anterior to Posterior Open mouth (APOM) cervical spine view: frequency of atlas transverse process overlap of the inferior tip of the mastoid process. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2012;35(6):477-485.
Lamas GA, Goertz C, Boineau R, Mark DB, Rozema T, Nahin RL, Drisko JA, Lee KL. Design of the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT). Am Heart J 2012;163(1):7-12.
Martin BI, Gerkovich MM, Deyo RA, Sherman KJ, Cherkin DC, Lind BK, Goertz CM, Lafferty WE. The association of complementary and alternative medicine use and health care expenditures for back and neck problems. Med Care 2012;50(12):1029-1036.
Pickar JG, Bolton PS. Spinal manipulative therapy and somatosensory activation. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2012;22(5):785-794.
Pohlman KA, Holton-Brown MS. Otitis media and spinal manipulative therapy: a literature review. J Chiropr Med 2012;11(3):160-169.
Vaillant M, Edgecombe T, Long C, Pickar JG, Kawchuk GN. The Effect of Duration and Amplitude of Spinal Manipulative Therapy on the Spinal Stiffness in a Feline Model. Manual Ther 2012;17(6):557-583.
Yao CH, Zhang P, Zhang L. Differential expression of CaMKs during osteoclastogenesis and its functional implications. Biochem Cell Biol 2012;90(4):532-539.
Ballew AT, Salsbury Lyons S, Hondras MA. Living a "vicious circle" and "deep rut" of pain and depression: a qualitative comparative case study. Topics in Integrative Health Care 2011;2(1):1-13.
Banzai R, Derby DC, Long CR, Hondras MA. International Web Survey of Chiropractic Students About Evidence-based Practice: A Pilot Study. Chiropractic and Manual Therapies 2011;19(6).
Boysen J, Lawrence DJ, Derby D. The Effects of Clinic Abroad Programs on Intern Public Health Attitudes, Cultural Authority and Confidence in Clinical Skills: A Pilot Study. Topic in Integrative Health Care 2011;2(1):1-12.
Cao DY, Pickar JG. Lengthening but not Shortening History of Paraspinal Muscle Spindles in the Low Back Alters Their Dynamic Sensitivity. Journal of Neurophysiology 2011;105(1):434-441.
Ge W, Cao DY, Long CR, Pickar JG. Plane of Vertebral Movement Eliciting Muscle Lengthening History in the Low Back Influences the Decrease in Muscle Spindle Responsiveness of the Cat. Journal of Applied Physiology 2011;111(6):1735-1743.
Ianuzzi A, Pickar JG, Khalsa PS. Relationships Between Joint Motion and Facet Joint Capsule Strain During Cat and Human Lumbar Spinal Motions. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2011;34(7):420-431.
Ling H-Y, Wen G-B, Feng S-D, Tuo Q-H, Ou H-S, Yao CH, Zhu B-Y, Gao Z-P, Zhang L, Liao D-F. MicroRNA-375 Promotes 3T3-L1 Adipocyte Differentiation Through Modulation of Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase Signalling. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 2011;38(4):239-246.
Owens EF, Gudavalli MR, Wilder DG. Paraspinal Muscle Function Assessed with the Flexion-Relaxation Ratio at Baseline in a Population of Patients with Back-Related Leg Pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2011;34(9):594-601.
Salsbury SA. Clinical Brief: Recognizing, Reporting and Responding to Dependent Adult Abuse. Topics in Integrative Health Care 2011;2(3):ID: 2.3008.
Schulz CA, Hondras MA, Evans RL, Gudavalli MR, Long CR, Owens EF, Wilder DG, Bronfort G. Chiropractic and Self-care for Back-related Leg Pain: Design of a Randomized Clinical Trial. Chiropractic and Manual Therapies 2011;19(8).
Smith M, Davis MA. Immunization Status of Adult Chiropractic Patients in Analyses of National Health Interview Survey. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2011;34(9):602-608.
Smith M. Usual Source of Care for Adults With and Without Back Pain: Medical Expenditures Panel Survey Data Pooled for Years 2000 to 2006. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2011;34(6):356-361.
Wilder DG, Vining RD, Pohlman KA, Meeker WC, Xia T, DeVocht JW, Gudavalli MR, Long CR, Owens EF, Goertz CM. Effect of Spinal Manipulation on Sensorimotor Functions in Back Pain Patients: Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial. Trials 2011;12:161.
Wang J, Cao D-Y, Guo Y, Ma S-J, Luo R, Pickar JG, Zhao Y. Octreotide inhibits capsaicin-induced activation of C and A afferent fibres in rat hairy skin in vivo. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 2011;38(8):521-527.
2006 - 2010
Azzam H, Goertz C, Fritts M, Jonas WB. Natural Products and Chronic Hepatitis C Virus. Liver International 2007;27(1):17-25.
Bakkum BW, Henderson CNR, Hong SP, Cramer GD. Preliminary Morphological Evidence that Vertebral Hypomobility Induces Synaptic Plasticity in the Spinal Cord. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2007;30(5):336-342.
Bolton J. Cellular Telephones and Cancer: Is There a Connection? International Journal of Global Health and Health Disparities 2009;6(1):102-111.
Cambron JA, Gudavalli MR, McGregor M, Jedlicka J, Keenum M, Ghanayem AJ, Patwardhan AG, Furner SE. Amount of Health Care and Self-Care Following a Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Flexion-Distraction with Exercise Program for Chronic Low Back Pain. Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2006;14(19).
Cambron JA, Gudavalli MR, Hedeker D, McGregor M, Jedlicka J, Keenum M, Ghanayem AJ, Patwardhan AG, Furner SE. One-Year Follow-up of a Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Flexion Distraction with an Exercise Program for Chronic Low-Back Pain. J Alt Comp Med 2006;12(7):659-668.
Cao D-Y, Khalsa PS, Pickar JG. Dynamic Responsiveness of Lumbar Paraspinal Muscle Spindles During Vertebral Movement in the Cat. Exp Brain Res 2009;197:369-377.
Cao DY, Pickar JG, Ge W, Ianuzzi A, Khalsa PS. Position Sensitivity of Feline Paraspinal Muscle Spindles to Vertebral Movement in the Lumbar Spine. J Neurophysiol 2009;101(4):1722-1729.
Cao DY, Pickar JG. Thoracolumbar Fascia does not Influence Sensory Signaling from Lumbar Paraspinal Muscle Spindles: A Neurophysiological Study in the Cat. J Anat 2009;215(4):417-424.
Cao DY, Khalsa PS, Pickar JG. Dynamic Responsiveness of Lumbar Paraspial Muscle Spindles during Vertebral Movement in the Cat. Exp Brain Res 2009;197(4):369-377.
Christianson JB, Finch MD, Choate CG, Findlay B. Consumer-focused Strategies of Innovative Hospitals: The Role of Complementary Therapies. Explore (NY) 2007;3(2):158-160.
Christianson JB, Finch MD, Choate CG, Findlay B. Implementation of Consumer-focused Innovations in Hospitals: The Experience of Early Adopters. Hospitals & health Networks Online 2007.
Cooperstein R. The Story of the Sacral Base: Evidence-Informed Technique Rumination. Journal of the American Chiropractic Association 2010;47(6):45-49.
Cooperstein R. Heuristic Exploration of how Leg Checking Procedures may Lead to Inappropriate Sacroiliac Clinical Interventions. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine 2010;9(3):146-153.
Cooperstein R, Haneline M, Young M. Interexaminer Reliability of Thoracic Motion Palpation Using Confidence Ratings and Continuous Analysis. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine 2010;9(3):99-106.
Haneline MT, Cooperstein R. Chiropractic Care for Patients with Acute Neck Pain: Results of a Pragmatic Practice-Based Feasibility Study. J Chiro Med 2009;8(4):143-155.
Cooperstein R, Haneline MT, Young MD. The Location of the Inferior Angle of the Scapula in Relation to the Spinal Level of Prone Patients. J Canadian Chiro Assoc 2009;53(2):121-128.
Cooperstein R, Haneline MT. Spinous Process Palpation Using the Scapular Tip as a Landmark vs. a Radiographic Criterion Standard. J Chiro Med 2007:6(3):87-93.
Cooperstein R, Haneline M, Young M. Mathematical Modeling of the So-called Allis Test: A Field Study in Orthopedic Confusion. Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2007;15(3).
Cooperstein R, Perle SM, Gleberzon GJ, Peterson DH. Flawed Trials, Flawed Analysis: Why CBP Should Avoid Rating Itself. J Can Chiropr Assoc 2006;50(2):97-102.
Cramer GD, Henderson CNR, Little JW, Daley C, Grieve TJ. Zygapophyseal Joint Adhesions after Induced Hypomobility. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2010;33(7):508-518.
Cramer G, Budgell B, Henderson C, Khalsa P, Pickar J. Basic Science Research Related to Chiropractic Spinal Adjusting: The State of the Art and Recommendations Revisited. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2006;29(9):726-761.
DeVocht JW, Wilder DG, Bandstra ER, Spratt KF. Biomechanical Evaluation of Four Different Mattresses. Applied Ergonomics 2006;37:297-304.
Di Duro JO. Improvement in Hearing after Chiropractic Care: A Case Series. Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2006;14(2):1-7.
Dougherty P, Salsbury Lyons S, Everett C, Weiner D. Chronic Lower Back Pain with Stenosis in an Older Adult Male. Topics in Integrative Health Care 2010;1(2):1-10.
DuMonthier WN, Haneline MT, Smith M. Survey of Health Attitudes and Behaviors of a Chiropractic College Population. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2009;32(6):477-484.
Frey Law LA, Lee JE, McMullen TR, Xia T. Relationships between Maximum Holding Time and Ratings of Pain and Exertion Differ for Static and Dynamic Tasks. Applied Ergonomics 2010;42(1):9-15.
Ge W, Pickar JG. Time Course for the Development of Muscle History in Lumbar Paraspinal Muscle Spindles Arising from Changes in Vertebral Position. The Spine Journal 2008;8(2):320-328.
Goertz C, Salsbury Lyons S, Andresen A, Hondras M, Jones M, Zaynab Killinger L, Long C, Lyons K, Mulhausen P, Vining R. Collaborative Care for Older Adults (COCOA), Palmer College of Chiropractic. Journal of Allied Health 2010;39(3)Pt.2:e135-e136.
Goldenberg LR, Owens EF, Pickar JG. Recruitment of Research Volunteers: Methods, Interest, and Incentives. J Chiro Ed 2007;21(1):28-31.
Greene BR, Smith M, Allareddy V, Haas M. Referral Patterns and Attitudes of Primary Care Physicians Towards Chiropractors. BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine 2006;6(5):1-11.
Gudavalli MR, Cambron JA, McGregor M, Jedlicka J, Keenum M, Ghanayem AJ, Patwardhan AG. A Randomized Clinical Trial and Subgroup Analysis to Compare Flexion-Distraction with Active Exercise for Chronic Low Back Pain. Eur Spine J 2006;15(7):1070-1082.
Guo Y, Yao F, Cao D-Y, Reed WR, Zhao Y. The Major Histocompatibility Complex Genes are Associated with Basal Pain Sensitivity Differences Between Dark-Agouti and Novel Congenic DA.1U Rats. Life Sciences 2010;86(25-26):972-978.
Haas M, Cooperstein R, Peterson D. Disentangling Manual Muscle Testing and Applied Kinesiology: Critique and Reinterpretation of a Literature Review. Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2007:15(11): 1-23.
Haneline MT, Young M. A Review of Intraexaminer and Interexaminer Reliability of Static Spinal Palpation: A Literature Synthesis. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2009;32(5):379-386.
Haneline MT, Cooperstein R, Young M, Birkeland K. Spinal Motion Palpation: A Comparison of Studies that Assessed Intersegmental End Feel vs. Excursion. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2008;31(8):616-626.
Haneline MT, Cooperstein R, Young MD, Ross J. Determining Spinal Level using the Inferior Angle of the Scapula as a Reference Landmark: A Retrospective Analysis of 50 Radiographs. JCCA 2008;52(1):24-29.
Haneline MT. A Review of the use of Likelihood Ratios in the Chiropractic Literature. J Chiro Med 2007:6:99-104.
Haneline MT, Rosner AL. The Etiology of Cervical Artery Dissection. J Chiro Med 2007;6:110-120.
Haneline MT, Lewkovich GN. A Narrative Review of Pathophysiological Mechanisms Associated with Cervical Artery Dissection. JCCA 2007;51(3):146-157.
Haneline, MT. Symptomatic Outcomes and Perceived Satisfaction Levels of Chiropractic Patients with a Primary Diagnosis Involving Acute Neck Pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2006;29(4):288-296.
Hawk C, Long CR. Letter to the Editor: Factors Associated with Patients Satisfaction with Chiropractic Care: Survey and Review of the Literature. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2007;30(4):332.
Henderson CNR, Cramer GD, Zhang Q, DeVocht JW, Sozio RS, Fournier JT. Introducing the External Link Model for Studying Spine Fixation and Misalignment: Current Procedures, Costs, and Failure Rates. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2009;32(4):294-302.
Henderson CNR, Cramer GD, Zhang Q, DeVocht JW, Fournier JT. Introducing the External Link Model for Studying Spine Fixation and Misalignment: Part II - Biomechanical Features. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2007;30(4):279-294.
Henderson CNR, Cramer GD, Zhang Q, DeVocht JW, Fournier JT. Introducing the External Link Model for Studying Spine Fixation and Misalignment Part I - Need, Rationale, and Applications. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2007;30(3):239-245.
Hondras MA, Long CR, Cao Y, Rowell RM, Meeker WC. A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing 2 Types of Spinal Manipulation and Minimal Conservative Medical Care for Adults 55 Years and Older with Subacute or Chronic Low Back Pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2009;32(5):330-343.
Hondras MA, Long CR, Haan AG, Byrd Spencer L, Meeker WC. Recruitment and Enrollment for the Simultaneous Conduct of 2 Randomized Controlled Trials for Patients with Subacute and Chronic Low Back pain at a CAM Research Center. J Alt Comp Med 2008;14(8):983-992.
Ianuzzi A, Pickar JG, Khalsa PS. Validation of the Cat as a Model for the Human Lumbar Spine During Simulated High-velocity, Low-amplitude Spinal Manipulation. J Biomech Eng 2010;132(7):071008.
Ianuzzi A, Pickar JG, Khalsa PS. Determination of Torque-limits for Human and Cat Lumbar Spine Specimens during Displacement-controlled Physiological Motions. The Spine Journal 2009;9(1):77-86.
Khorsan R, Smith M, Hawk C, Haas M. A Public Health Immunization Resource Web Site for Chiropractors: Discussion of Current Issues and Future Challenges for Evidence-based Initiatives for the Chiropractic Profession. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2009;32(6):500-504.
Khorsan MA, Coulter ID, Hawk C, Goertz Choate C. Measures in Chiropractic Research: Choosing Patient-Based Outcome Assessments. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2008;31(5):355-375.
Lawrence D, Ebrall P. The Scholarship of Critical Review: Improving Quality and Relevance. J Can Chiropr Assoc 2008;52(4):211-223.
Lawrence DJ, Meeker W, Branson R, Bronfort G, Cates JR, Haas M, Haneline M, Micozzi M, Updyke W, Mootz R, Triano JJ, Hawk C. Chiropractic Management of Low Back Pain and Low Back-related Leg Complaints: A Literature Synthesis. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2008;31(9):659-674.
Lawrence DJ. Designing Core Clinical Bioethics Training for Master's Level Students in America. Chiropr J Aust 2008;38(2):57-68.
Lawrence DJ, Polipnick J, Colby E. Barriers to and Opportunities for the Implementation of Best Practice Recommendations in Chiropractic. J Allied Health 2008;37(2):82-29.
Lawrence DJ. The Four Principles of Biomedical Ethics: A Foundation for Current Bioethical Debate. J Chiropr Humanit 2007;14:34-40.
Lawrence DJ. Commentary: The Ethics of Educational Research. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2007;30(4):326-330.
Lawrence DJ, Meeker WC. Chiropractic and CAM Utilization: A Descriptive Review. Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2007;15(2):1-86.
Lawrence DJ, Hondras MA. Do Chiropractic College Faculty Understand Informed Consent: A Pilot Study. Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2006;14(27):1-23.
Lawrence DJ, Meeker WC. Commentary: The National Workshop to Develop The Chiropractic Research Agenda: 10 Years on, a New Set of White Papers. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2006;29(9):690-694.
Liliedahl RL, Finch MD, Axene DV, Goertz CM. Cost of Care for Common Back Pain Conditions Initiated with Chiropractic Doctor vs. Medical Doctor/Doctor of Osteopathy as First Physician: Experience of One Tennessee-Based General Health Insurer. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2010;33(9):640-643.
Ling H-Y, Ou H-S, Feng S-D, Zhang X-Y, Tuo Q-H, Chen L-X, Zhu B-Y, Gao Z-P, Tang C-K, Yin W-D, Zhang L, Liao D-F. Changes in microRNA (miR) Profile and Effects of miR-320 in Insulin-Resistant 3T3-L1 Adipocytes. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 2009:36(9):e32-e39.
Lisi AJ, Goertz C, Lawrence DJ, Satyanarayana P. Characteristics of Veterans Health Administration Chiropractors and Chiropractic Clinics. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development 2009;46(8):997-1002.
Lyons SS. How Do People Make Continence Care Happen? An Analysis of Organizational Culture in Two Nursing Homes. The Gerontologist 2010;50(3):327-339.
Macklin EA, Wayne PM, Kalish LA, Valaskatgis P, Thompson J, Pian-Smith MCM, Zhang Q, Stevens S, Goertz C, Prineas RJ, Buczynski B, Zusman RM. Stop Hypertension with the Acupuncture Research Program (SHARP): Results of a Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial. Hypertension 2006;48(5):838-845.
Owens EF, DeVocht JW, Gudavalli MR, Wilder DG, Meeker WC. Comparison of Posteroanterior Spinal Stiffness Measures to Clinical and Demographic Findings at Baseline in Patients Enrolled in a Clinical Study of Spinal Manipulation for Low Back Pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2007;30(7):493-500.
Owens EF, DeVocht JW, Wilder, DG, Gudavalli MR, Meeker WC. The Reliability of a Posterior-to-Anterior Spinal Stiffness Measuring System in a Population of Patients with Low Back Pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2007;30(2):116-123.
Owens EF, Henderson CNR, Gudavalli MR, Pickar JG. Head Repositioning Errors in Normal Student Volunteers: A Possible Tool to Assess the Neck's Neuromuscular System. Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2006;14(5):1-15.
Pickar JG. Sung PS, Kang Y-M, Ge W. Response of Lumbar Paraspinal Muscles Spindles is Greater to Spinal Manipulative Loading Compared with Slower Loading Under Length Control. The Spine Journal 2007;7(15):583-595.
Pickar JG, Kang Y-M. Paraspinal Muscle Spindle Responses to the Duration of a Spinal Manipulation Under Force Control. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2006;29(1):22-31.
Pohlman KA, Hondras MA, Long CR, Haan AG. Practice Patterns of Doctors of Chiropractic with a Pediatric Diplomate: A Cross-sectional Survey. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2010;10:26.
Pohlman KA, Potocki EN, Lawrence DJ. A Descriptive Analysis and Checklist Critque of the Articles in the Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics, 1996 to 2007. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2009;32(8):654-659.
Qin L, Yang Y-B, Tuo Q-H, Zhu B-Y, Chen L-X, Zhang L, Liao D-F. Effects and Underlying Mechanisms of Curcumin on the Proliferation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Induced by Chol:MCD. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2009;379(27):277-282.
Radpasand M, Owens E. Combined Multimodal Therapies for Chronic Tennis Elbow: Pilot Study to Test Protocols for a Randomized Clinical Trial. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2009;32(7):571-585.
Radpasand M. Combination of Manipulation, Exercise, and Physical Therapy for the Treatment of a 57-year-old Women with Lateral Epicondylitis. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2009;32(2):166-172.
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Hubscher CH, Reed WR, Kaddumi EG, Armstrong JE, Johnson RD. Select Spinal Lesions Reveal Multiple Ascending Pathways in the Rate Conveying Input from the Male Genitalia. J Physiol 2010;588.Pt.7:1073-1083.
Rowell RM, Polipnick J. A Pilot Mixed Methods Study of Patient Satisfaction with Chiropractic Care for Back Pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2008;31(8):602-610.
Rowell RM, Lawrence DJ, Owens EF. Process Development for Ethical Recruitment of Patients into Simultaneous Clinical Studies in a Chiropractic Research Clinic. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2007;30(4):295-300.
Rowell RM, Stites J, Stone-Hall K. A Case Report of An Unstable Cervical Spine Fracture: Parallels to the Thoracolumbar Chance Fracture. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2006;29(7):586-589.
Rowell RM, Lawrence DJ, Hawk C. Relief of Depressive Symptoms in an Elderly Patient with Low Back Pain. Clinical Chiropractic 2006;9(1):34-38.
Schwarz I, Hondras MA. A Survey of Chiropractors Practicing in Germany: Practice Characteristics, Professional Reading Habits, and Attitudes and Perceptions Toward Research. Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2007;15(6):1-8.
Smith M. Identifying Episodes of Back Pain using Medical Expenditures Panel Survey Data: Patient Experience, Use of Services, and Chronicity. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2010;33(8):562-575.
Smith M, Young M. Information Technology for Clinical and Business Applications in Chiropractic Practice. Journal of the American Chiropractic Association 2010;47(3):10-17.
Smith M. Nature versus Nurture Segues to Choice versus Circumstance in the New Millennium: One Consideration for an Integrative Biopsychosocial Philosophy, Art, and Science of Chiropractic. Journal of Chiropractic Humanities 2009;16(1):26-31.
Smith M, Carber LA. Survey of US Chiropractors' Perceptions about their Clinical Role as Specialist or Generalist. Journal of Chiropractic Humanities 2009;16(1):21-25.
Smith M, Carber LA. Chiropractors as Safety Net Providers: First Report of Findings and Methods from a US Survey of Chiropractors. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2007;30(9):718-728.
Smith M, Greene BR, Haas M, Allareddy V. Intra-professional and Inter-professional Referral Patterns of Chiropractors. Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2006;14:12.
Strunk RG, Hondras MA. A Feasibility Study Assessing Manual Therapies to Different Regions of the Spine for Patients with Subacute or Chronic Neck Pain. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine 2008;7(1):1-8.
Triano JJ, Goertz C, Weeks J, Murphy DR, Kranz KC, McClelland GC, Kopansky-Giles D, Morgan W, Nelson CF. Chiropractic in North America: Toward a Strategic Plan for Professional Renewal - Outcomes from the 2006 Chiropractic Strategic Planning Conference. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2010;33(5):395-405.
Vaillant M, Pickar JG, Kawchuk GN. Performance and Reliability of a Variable Rate, Force/Displacement Application System. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2010;33(8):585-593.