General Spine Health Test
Many spinal problems produce uneven weight distribution. Here’s a simple test you can conduct at home with two bathroom scales to reveal this common sign of spinal imbalance:
Step 1:
This test requires two bathroom scales. Make sure both weight-bearing surfaces are level.
Step 2:
With eyes closed, have the test subject tilt their head up and down, and then left and right, settling to a comfortable, neutral position. Record the scale readings for each leg
Left leg: _______ Right leg: ________
Step 3:
To eliminate the variance between the scales, reverse their positions and repeat the test.
Left leg: _______ Right leg: ________
Average the findings of the left leg by adding both left leg readings and dividing by two.
Average the results for the right leg by adding both readings and dividing by two.
A difference greater than 5 lb./2 kg. between both legs is significant. Contact Dr. Cam and make an appointment today.